The peer reviewers will use the following criteria to assess submissions:
- How does the planned presentation of artistic research practice demonstrate its relation to the Frascati criteria for research:
- Novel
- Creative
- Uncertain
- Systematic
- Transferable and/or Reproducible?
Context and Method:
- How adequate is the contextual framing of the presentation, including references to other artistic research endeavours and the methodological approach?
Conference Focus:
- How clear does the presenter formulate what is to be shared and discussed with the conference participants?
Overall assessment:
- Is this submission recommend for presentation -- and why or why not?
The Conference Committee will take additional criteria into consideration when it comes to the programming of the conference:
- Has the submitter framed the presentation in regard to the indicated or preferred conference format?
These questions are the basis of the form used to submit proposals -- in addition to the actual proposal that is supposed to be available in the form of an exposition in the Research Catalogue.
Reviewers are expected to produce a written statement which should be also available to the submitters.
Here is a screenshot of the review assessment for the peer reviewers: